License Requirement for Drones
Now a days, many air vehicles are used to do air patrolling or surveillance activity. Air vehicles includes mini, micro or Nano drones, aircrafts, toy helicopters and similar products.
All these products work in certain radio frequency for the signal or information transmission. Considering this feature, these products are required to be tested and registered as per the regulations of Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing , Department of Telecommunication.
To regulate the air traffic, department has made the regulations for the products working in delicensed frequency bands to take Equipment Type Approval for the use or sale of product. After taking the Equipment type Approval, if product is imported from another country then import license is also required.
In few cases wherein Drones are equipped with certain special functions or heavy weight are also required to take approval from Ministry of Home Affairs.
Aleph India is providing complete licensing requirement under one roof for the sale, purchase or import of Drone or small Air Vehicles.
For more information, you are requested to visit our website www.alephindia.in and can post your enquiries.
Anjali Kanojia [Assistant Manager: Aleph INDIA]
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