BIS Registration In Delhi
In modern time, as technology is developing day by day but at the same time product duplication is becoming more common and consumers has been fooled by business interests at all levels. Electronic and IT fake products have emerged most significant threat to the safety of consumers. After the discovery of mobile phone, business entity started using cheap internal products like battery, due to which consumer faced severe problems like battery blast. To stop these dangerous incidents, on 3rd October 2012, Ministry of Electronics & amp; amp; Informational Technology added “Electronic & amp; amp; Informational Technology” products under compulsory Registration Scheme. No one can produce or keep for sale, import, sell, or distribute items that do not meet the Indian standard established. Indian BIS decided to establish certain product standards so that manufacturers could produce accordingly; failure to do so would be a punishable offence. A Proper Structure and polices are made to ensure the quality and safety to the consumer.
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