What is BIS Registration ?
BIS Registration is a means for providing the guarantee of quality, safety and reliability of products to the customers. Therefore BIS registration is mandatory for the certain products.
How can i get BIS Registration ?
BIS Registration is granted after the proper testing and verification of the products under the BIS officials.
There are certain products for which BIS Registration is mandatory in which Automatic Data Processing Machine is under Compulsory Registration Scheme is mandatory to be tested and certified as per Indian Standard IS 13252 (Part 1): 2010.
Therefore, the manufacturers of server which is one of the Automatic Data Processing Machine should apply for registration to BIS.
Aleph INDIA QMS is a single window that is committed to help the manufacturers to get their BIS Certification or Registration for their products with its two sister companies Aleph Accreditation & Testing Centre and Aleph Industrial Corporation.
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