Be smart with BIS Registered Smart Watches. Smart Watches provides you with plenty of features with easy access to some of the Smartphone applications. Smart Watches can monitor your heart rate, and track your sleep, activity and overall fitness level. Smart Watches is notified by the Electronics and Information Technology Goods under the compulsory registration scheme from BIS under the Gazette of India. According to this order, Smart Watches shall have to meet standards as notified by the Bureau of Indian standard as per IS 13252 part 1 Information Technology Equipment – Safety General Requirements. The manufacturers, importers or sellers are not allowed to sell their Smart Watches without Compulsory Registration scheme under the BIS Registration. Aleph India is committed to providing you with the best quality services for all kind of technical certification and testing equipment. Please visit: To know more information about CRS under BIS feel free to reach us @ or call us @ +91-9821120166.